Simplified Joint Stock Company with capital of € 53,272
Registration at the RCS Toulouse under the number 500038880
Head office: 1Bis Antoine Lavoisier Street, Albatros building – 31770 Colomiers – France
No. SIRET 50003888000091
VAT: FR12500038880


Trademarks: The trademark and the frequency logo are registered trademarks. No rights other than visiting the sites are granted to anyone. Any reproduction, total or partial, of this mark or this logo, made from the elements of the site, without the express authorization of the operator of the Internet site or its right-holder is forbidden, within the meaning of the article L713-2 of the CPI.


All the elements of this website (texts, photographs, illustrations, logos, files available for download, databases on the site, video or sound clips, graphic charter, general structure of the site etc.) are the exclusive property of frequentiel. These elements are protected by French laws and international texts relating to respect for copyright and copyright. Reproduction and / or representation of these elements is only permitted for information purposes for strictly personal and private use. The commercial use of these elements is prohibited unless prior authorization of the company and its partners.


No information is collected when using the OCTO + software application on a mobile terminal. Only consent to access the camera will be requested when reading a barcode.